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As much as a third of the heat you pay for could be escaping through your roof!

As much as a third of the heat you pay for could be escaping through your roof!

Loft Insulaton

As much as a third of the heat you pay for could be escaping through your roof. Most loft insulation materials work by preventing the movement of heated air through the material. The Government say that you cut your energy bill by up to 20% through effectively insulating your loft.

Loft insulation is located between the joists on the loft floor of your property (Roof Insulation is located between the tiles and the rafters)
The main materials used by us are Quilted Mineral Wool (Fibre Glass or Earthwool)
The recommended depth for loft insulation is 270 millimetres for glass wool, 250 millimetres for rock wool or 220 millimetres for cellulose.
There are a number of grants and schemes available to home owners which can substantially reduce the cost of installing these products.
Loft Insulation can help lower your heating bills, lower wear and tear on your boiler and reduce global warming and climate change

Find out more about the benefits of Loft Insulation



Potential Savings Per Year 

Installation Cost 

Carbon Dioxide Savings Per Year

Detached House




Semi Detached House




Mid Terrace




Detached Bungalow




* Average unsubsidised professional installation costs, although these will vary.


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